Penanaman Metode Pembiasaan Untuk Menanamkan Karakter Disiplin Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun


  • Ema Yulita Mawardah Universitas PGRI Semarang Author
  • Dwi Prasetiyawati Diyah Hariyanti Universitas PGRI Semarang Author


Pembiasaan. Disiplin. metode pembiasaan



The results of the observations show that at Muslimat Buloh II Kindergarten the formation of disciplinary character through the habituation method, the results of the observation findings about the process of forming the disciplinary character of early childhood through the habituation method are (1) the teacher accustoms children to being on time when entering school (2) the teacher familiarizes children to put shoes in place (3) the teacher accustoms children to queuing when doing something (4) the teacher accustoms children to discipline when playing, not fighting over toys (5) children enter class in an orderly manner. 1) Forming the character of the discipline of students in schools. (2) Helping children know good or bad behavior (3) Parents or teachers are expected to be able to explain in advance what the uses or benefits of discipline are for children before they carry out disciplinary activities against children. to train children to develop personality and intelligence in accordance with religious values in the school environment. efforts to increase the learning resources of Tk Muslimat Buloh II seem not to have been fully successful. Some children are still violating the school's rules and regulations. From the results of observations in the field there are still many children who do not come on time. The problem that often occurs is that children wake up late, waiting for parents to finish their work, children wake up late.


Hasil oberservasi menunjukkan bahwa di Tk Muslimat Buloh ll melakukan pembentukan karakter disiplin melalui metode pembiasaan ,hasil dari temuan observasi tentang proses pembentukan karakter disiplin anak usia dini melalui metode pembiasaan adalah .(1)guru membiasakan anak tepat waktu saat masuk sekolah (2) guru membiasakan anak untuk menaruh sepatu pada tempatnya (3) guru membiasakan anak untuk antri saat melakukan sesuatu (4) guru membiasakan anak untuk disiplin saat bermain ,tidak berebut mainan (5) anak masuk kelas dengan tertib .pembiasaan yangdi lakukan Tk Muslimat Buloh ll bertujuan untuk (1) Membentuk karakter kedisiplinan peserta didik yang ada di sekolah. (2)  Membantu anak mengetahui perilaku yang baik atau yang buruk (3) Orang tua atau guru diharapkan dapat menerangkan terlebih dahulu apa kegunaan atau manfaat disiplin bagi anak sebelum mereka melakukan kegiatan pendisiplinan

Kata kunci: Pembiasaan. Disiplin. metode pembiasaan


